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The algorithm to choose the optimal route used in the application is based on the user's preferences and can take into consideration two variables - the ascents in a specific route (their length and angle) and the percentage of official bicycle paths in the route.


The User can choose which of these variables should be taken into account when calculating the best route. If none is taken, the fastest route is chosen.


The scoring function for ascents in a route grants all ascents larger than 30 degrees a maximal score, and all other accents are given a score relative to their steepness.


To calculate the percentage of bicycle paths in a route, we first calculate the overlapping bikepaths by going over the bike paths in the area of the route and checking if the points aling the route goes over them. Then a simple calculation is made - the length of overlapping bike paths divided by the length of the entire route.

After both variables are given a score, the variables are weighted together, and the route with the best score is chosen.


The idea behind the algorothm is based on research made in Transport Research Unit, Department of Geography and the Human Environment, Tel-Aviv University:
“Where do cyclists ride and why? Understanding cyclists' route choice to improve cycling infrastructure”, Givoni Moshe and Bergman Bar

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